How many did you have ? a 4 banger is the worst for shaking things apart unless
you have fewer cylinders yet. We used to shake the timing gears off the Pontiac
Super Duty 4s, finally welded them to the crank. I suppose a single ought to be
the worst but don't find many in cars. The Cosworth used 12 bolts to hold the
flywheel on for what it is worth and they were BIG. Can you rotate the flywheel
to redrill the crank in the section not hurt and bore the crank for dowel pins
in the holes that are hurt? How much lead did you run? a lot more than you have
in the past? the new twin plug head might be doing a better job and now need
less that you used to need. You might also look into running a different amount
of lead on each plug also. Closest one to the exhaust valve first and the the
one further away a few degrees later. Might only be rattling on 1 plug. We do
that in the rotary cars all the time. about 5 degree spread in those.
Dave Dahlgren
Richard Fox wrote:
> Any who are interested; I just pulled the Ply. out of the roadster. The
> flywheel bolts gave it up. This never happened before. The bolt holes in the
> crank are done for as are the flywheel holes. But I do not see any damage that
> would be the end of the Ply. so thats good. Rick Gold said I was running way
> to much spark lead, wonder if that would shake it up enough to do this? My
> GMC used to eat flywheel bolts. Maybe a heavy wheel? Any thoughts? Rich
> Fox
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