Mayf , I should have stated the procedure more clearly
--------- A
thermometer was inserted into the spark plug hole of the cylinder being
and allowed to soak for a ( specified ) time , and then removed
before attaching the line to the air pump . Often times, several
cylinders were
checked , as one area racer competed with an engine that had ONE smaller
bore cylinder, out of eight , and you know which cylinder he was quick to
pop the
plug out of IF a check was called for ! He got away with it for a
while , until
he had a falling out with one of his crew members , who proceeded to " drop
dime " on him . He was probably a big Smokey Yunick fan , like many
us were --------- and STILL are !
Seems to me that taking the AMBIENT temperature would be pretty much
irrelevant to the procedure ----------- but might be needed as a baseline
compare combustion chamber temp to ----------- think we need a little input
our list' s deep thinkers -------- come to think of it , when doctor /
nurse takes
OUR temp ------- HOW relevant is the AMBIENT temp ?
Bruce F . where AMBIENT was AGREEABLE today