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Re: rollcage again

To: "Lawrence E. & Cathy R. Mayfield" <>
Subject: Re: rollcage again
From: Wester S Potter <>
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 13:06:35 -0700
You are safe with the '99 rules on diameter and thickness ... the only 2000
changes say;  III-2  "All closed cars over 175 MPH and non-metallic bodied
cars entered in classes with records or minimums over 150 MPH must have a
full cage.  All deviations to roll structure rules MUST be submitted to the
Contest Board 45 days prior to the event for approval."
Hope this puts your mind at ease.
> From: "Lawrence E. & Cathy R. Mayfield" <>
> To:,, 
> Subject: Re: rollcage again 
> Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2000 01:40:28 
>Holey Smokes! Did the rule book change? I don't have the 2000 one but the
>'99 one under III-2.2 says 1 5/8 minimum wall 0.120. Says for classes G H I
>J K can use 1 1/2 x 0.095 wall. Classes whhich exceed 175 must use the
>larger tube minimum requirements. 
>Now roll bars are diffeerent..
>mayf ( I hope I am not screwed up!!)
>At 10:53 AM 2/3/00 EST, wrote:
>>Phil; All you need is seamless mild steel, but why go with 1 5/8 dia. 1
>>can't be that much more and if you ever get fast enough or run in F class
>>will need 1 3/4. I know, I'm looking at major redo on my roll cage in 
>>roadster if I want to install 3 liter Nissan.  Rich Fox
>L.E. Mayfield
>124 Maximillion Drive
>Madison, Al. 35758-8171
>ph: 1-256-837-1051
>Sunbeam Tiger, B9471136
>Sunbeam Alpine Bonneville Land Speed Racer, 
>'66 Hydroplane Drag Boat (390 FE)

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