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From: V4GR@aol.com
Full-name: V4GR
Message-ID: <42.cdac1c.25bdd9b9@aol.com>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 11:37:13 EST
Subject: Re: previous thread on 3 liter engines]
To: dahlgren@uconect.net
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Dave- I got the original V6 for free with a spun bearing and broken rod. $60
for a replacement crank and rod. Around $600 to sleeve one cylinder and grind
valves. Headers were $12 for 1018 to make flanges and Jack had the tubing. I
had the Injector pump and metering block, forget what I paid Hilborn for the
nozzles, but nothing they sell is cheap. Made the rest here. Put out big
bucks ($600) for Electromotive cranktrigger ignition cause thats what fits in
Jacks car and he insisted on it. Gasket set was another $68. Jack traded a
Cad Northstar engine he got for free for the torque convertor. Its wet sump
home made 7 qt. pan. I think the pistons were around $600. Another $200 for
rings and bearings. So whats that? Around $2200? Call it 2500 Thats about my
limit. Rich Fox