You can sit down; you are correct.
Bob Spidell - San Jose, CA
> On August 21, 2017 at 12:48 PM Simon Lachlan <simon.lachlan at
>> wrote:
> Hi,
> With reference to front wheel bearing shims, I shall be replacing the
> bearings in my MkII?s front RHS when winter has set in. (Won?t be long!)
> Anyhow, I?ve half a pack of unused shims left and there will be others in
> the hub. Is there any reason why I can?t reuse some/all of the old ones &/or
> mix and match them with some of the new ones?
> As I see it, we use the shims to get the correct end float so, provided
> the shims? metallurgy(?) was correct in the first place, the old one will
> still be good to go??? They?re only somewhat technical packing pieces???
> As ever, I stand ready to be corrected.
> Simon
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