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Bill, ya gotta get in there and replace all the seals including the little =
ones on the cross shaft...............
Henry Morrison
Sent from Outlook<http://aka.ms/weboutlook>
From: Healeys <healeys-bounces@autox.team.net> on behalf of WILLIAM B LAWRE=
NCE <YNOTINK@msn.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 9:26 PM
To: healeys@autox.team.net
Subject: [Healeys] Overdrive Question
Before everyone leaves and the lights are turned off I have a question I'd =
like to ask about the Laycock De Normanville overdrive. I have my transmis=
sion out out and realize I need to do a certain amount of disassembly of th=
e OD because it is seeping oil at the clutch ring. There are no gaskets, bu=
t I would like to smear some Hylomar on the joint faces to stop the leak. I=
f I remove the rear OD housing will there be enough clearance between the c=
lutch ring and the clutch lining to allow me to move the ring away from the=
casing far enough to clean and seal the front surface without removing the=
entire OD and disassembling it?
I started out to rebuild the engine and just keep finding more work needing=
to be done...
Bill Lawrence
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<p>Bill, ya gotta get in there and replace all the seals including the litt=
le ones on the cross shaft...............</p>
<p>Henry Morrison<br>
<div id=3D"Signature">
<p>Sent from <a id=3D"LPNoLP" href=3D"http://aka.ms/weboutlook">Outlook</a>=
<div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">
<hr tabindex=3D"-1" style=3D"width: 98%; display: inline-block;">
<div id=3D"divRplyFwdMsg" dir=3D"ltr"><font color=3D"#000000" face=3D"Calib=
ri, sans-serif" style=3D"font-size: 11pt;"><b>From:</b> Healeys <healeys=
-bounces@autox.team.net> on behalf of WILLIAM B LAWRENCE <YNOTINK@msn=
<b>Sent:</b> Sunday, October 23, 2016 9:26 PM<br>
<b>To:</b> healeys@autox.team.net<br>
<b>Subject:</b> [Healeys] Overdrive Question</font>
<div> </div>
<div id=3D"divtagdefaultwrapper" style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family:=
Calibri,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;">
<p>Before everyone leaves and the lights are turned off I have a question I=
'd like to ask about the Laycock De Normanville overdrive. I hav=
e my transmission out out and realize I need to do a certain amount of=
disassembly of the OD because it is seeping oil
at the clutch ring. There are no gaskets, but I would like to smear s=
ome Hylomar on the joint faces to stop the leak. If I remove the rear OD ho=
using will there be enough clearance between the clutch ring and the clutch=
lining to allow me to move the ring
away from the casing far enough to clean and seal the front surface w=
ithout removing the entire OD and disassembling it?</p>
<p>I started out to rebuild the engine and just keep finding more work need=
ing to be done...</p>
<p>Bill Lawrence</p>
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