Just to clarify, the issue is the purified water, which can have a Ph of as
low as 6 or 7, not the waterwetter, which has a Ph of 8.6
I've been running tap water and Redline waterwetter in my BJ8 for the past 15
years. No issues. Changed it a few times, and my block & head were
redistripped when the engine was built.
>From the redline website....
"Red Line WaterWetterB. is designed to provide improved metal wetting and
excellent corrosion inhibition when added to plain water or a glycol coolant.
..... Red Line WaterWetterB. will provide the proper corrosion inhibition for
all common cooling system metals, including aluminum, cast iron, steel,
copper, brass, and lead."
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On 12/06/2013, at 10:59 PM, "Steve Gerow" <steveg@abrazosdata.com> wrote:
> I recently had my radiator overhauled due to increased running temperatures
> due to rust clogging after a couple of years of running purified water and
> water-wetter.
> Never had a problem the previous 8 years running Prestone and water. Tech
> support at Royal Purple told me most tap water or filtered drinking water
> less corrosive than distilled or purified drinking water and that 20%
> coolant is sufficient for where I live in SoCal.
> Evidently the important thing is to not allow your coolant pH to get below
> 8.3. 9.5 - 10.0 is better.
> Amazon sells pH testing paper:
> http://tinyurl.com/nzlg2pn
> Steve Gerow
> Altadena, CA, USA
> BN6
> ______________________________
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