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RE: heater fan sucks

To: <healeys@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: heater fan sucks
From: "William Moyer" <William.Moyer@millersville.edu>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 06:46:14 -0400
While I have occasionally turned the heater on in the vain hope that it would
act as a secondary radiator I've never once noticed any change in the cockpit
temperature (and yes, the valve is open, the tubes are connected, etc.) in the
30 years I've owned the car.  Come to thnk of it, the engine heat has never
changed due to that ploy either.  I don't think it matters much if the fan
sucks or blows, the heater may have psychological benefit but the exhaust pipe
heat from under the seat is much more reliable.  IMHO.

Bill Moyer, BJ7

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