Hello all,
The early 100-Sixs had seat frames and patterns similar to the 100s.
I have 2 questions
1 I believe the seats changed with the introduction of the BN6 or the 2nd batch
of 100-Sixs produced from Sept 1958 which had interiors similar to the later
3000s. Is this the case or were the thin seat frames introduced only with the
2. The same question applies to the change in the seat patterns. At some point
the white piping which comes down each side of the seat back, changed. On early
cars it carried on around the ears, but on later cars it cuts inside and
finshes behind the seat squab. When was this change made? Logic says it was at
the same time the seat frames changed , but then logic doesnt always work with
The period brochure for the BN6 shows the old style seat pattern but Im not
sure I trust the brochures. The BN6 brochure is an artistic impression and a
simple adaptation of the original BN4 brochure and in one picture shows the
engine with a red valve cover!