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GEEZ Questions

Subject: GEEZ Questions
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 09:57:45 -0600
I'm very new to the GEEZ! system and have used it  a few times, but could
still use some advise on what I can actually do with the data to improve my
times while at the track, at a National event for example. (anyone going to
the Solo II Tour in Houston next month?) I understand that I am looking for
the sections where my usage is low, but that's difficult to determine
without comparing it to another run, or someone else's data. It seems to me
that the single most useful tool in a data acquisition app is the ability
to overlay the graphs and charts from different laps on top of one another
for comparison. Is there any way to do something like this in GEEZ? (using
Excel perhaps?). Another invaluable tool, I think, would be to have a
simple time difference chart that would graph the real-time, time
difference between two laps, showing exactly where on the track time was
made (or lost) and how much. This would give you the ability to instantly
focus on the sections of the course where you made up that half-second
without doing any analyzing, which could save a tremendous amount of time
when you're getting ready for you next run.

Chris Gant

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