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Re: G-Analyst?

To: "Dr. Bob Woods" <>
Subject: Re: G-Analyst?
From: "Byron Short" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 16:20:46 -0700
I think Dr. Bob's preference here shows some of the strength
and longevity of the G.Analyst.  

While he may be the only GEEZ customer I know who prefers
the G.Analyst strip chart print out to the interactivity of
the GEEZ software system, he has some very specific ways of
analyzing the data that he gets.  Some of the things he
measures are done in spreadsheets after the fact, as they
aren't offered in either GEEZ or the G-Logger software (the
G.Analyst DOS software which used to be available for $125.)

We've discussed some of his methods, and at some point we
may get some of them into the GEEZ system.  Some of them are
pretty specific to Dr. Bob's needs, and I probably won't
really ever put in, but that's okay because they can always
be done outside the program in Excel for instance.  (I'm
sure most readers here know that you can pull a GEEZ *.gcd
file directly into Excel?)

As always, we like tweaking the software to have new
features, but we also know that we can't expect to have
every feature that every user wants.  Of course, some of the
things Dr. Bob wants ARE in the software, just not in the
way he is used to seeing it.  For instance...

"Dr. Bob Woods" wrote:
> I find that the output from the GEEZ is not so readable in that you cannot
> read in large print what your g's are (lateral and longitudinal) every 0.1
> second.  

I would suggest pulling up a Lateral Gage and a Longitudinal
Gage and positioning them where you want.  Anywhere you
click, the Gages show the data at that point.  You can hit
Play and run through the course in real time with the gages
changing on each 1/10th (or 1/20th) second tick.  It does
what Bob wants, but not in the manner he's used to.

Bob is right when he says we focus on the map, because we
find most drivers relate to it extremely well.  Only once
the driver understands where he is can he begin to learn
from the strip charts, IMHO.  The map provides the quick,
intuitive interface that a driver needs before he digs down
into the specifics of the tick by tick details in the
charts.  We think that GEEZ provides a better learning tool
for the way most people think.  And our customers seem to
agree!  Most customers want some of that big picture stuff
to go with the detail of the charts.  It's all just part of
figuring out what each individual needs to be able to wrap
his/her brain around the run, and figure out how to improve.


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