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Re: Extreme GEEZ opinions?

Subject: Re: Extreme GEEZ opinions?
Date: Sun, 17 Mar 2002 00:35:13 EST
In a message dated 3/16/02 10:40:21 PM Central Standard Time, writes:

> My biggest problem was coasting into turns. This really showed up, usage 
would > fall like a rock about 1/2 sec before the curve, DOH!! You can also 
see if you
> are doing good transitions and using the brakes well.
<< I seem to remember that everyone's usage will go down under braking. 
 Something about one of the calculations.  Am I way off on that thought? >>

I could easilly understand the usage not being perfectly constant for 
different directions of loading, so it would make sence that a certain 
direction (braking) might show as less useage, even if it was the full 
capability of the car. But when I ddi get it right, I was able able to vastly 
reduce the dip into the turns. And not only did GEEZ give the run a better 
rating, the time fell too. You may be right that there will always be a dip 
as I never got it to hold perfect useage under braking. But the quicker I 
transition from acceleration to braking, and the harder I brake, the dip 
became less and less. When I first started using all the brakes I had, I 
found I was too slow into the corner, and actually ended up accelerating into 
the curve again. This was a whole new problem. Then I had to learn to start 
braking later, and stay on the gas longer. Yup, I overshot a few turns trying 
to close that gap. I am pretty sure that was where 90% of the 2 seconds you 
had on me in Peru came from, Jeff. I still have not been able to reliably 
left foot brake, so I may never fully close the gap. Now that I am back in my 
83 Turboed beast, I am learning it all over again. Noone has been able to 
left foot brake this car and go any faster in it than not left foot braking. 
But I still want to try. Looking at many GEEZ traces, the left foot brakers 
do hold better useage in the big transitions.

Gary M.

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