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Re: Geez and left foot braking

To: "Byron Short" <>, "Dave Vasko"
Subject: Re: Geez and left foot braking
From: Doug Miller <>
Date: Thu, 07 Jun 2001 23:06:06 -0600
Byron Short wrote:
>I'm out here again with GM this week, and your question becomes even
>more clear here.  The drivers who use left foot braking get many
>advantages on their GEEZ score, most of which I believe correlate to
>improved time as well.

I've been thinking on this.  I normally left foot brake, and have pretty much
always autocrossed with an automatic (albeit V8 mostly).
One thing I did on the ole z-car was to set it up with a tad too much rear 
What this meant was that on the tight stuff, if I turned in too soon, the 
car would
actually try to rotate around on me. To control it, I would gently give it 
some gas.
Pretty neat in the tight stuff, as the car would rotate around till it was 
about pointed right, then I would roll the throttle on, roll the brakes 
off, and it would stop rotating,
settle down, and start coming out of the corner. Before someone gets excited,
this is all pretty subtle - it wasn't "spinning", but the rear tires were 
for sure overloaded,
causing their slip to go way up.

The car suspension (springs/swaybar) was setup basically understeer in 
hopes of better "out of the
corner acceleration", which meant it pushed coming into a corner. Which meant
that it didn't want to turn in for late apex, so I cranked some more rear 
brake in
to get it around.

Anyway, that's one of my stories.
-Doug Miller
Building a go-kart (with a REALLY cool automatic)

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