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Re: Various Schools

To:, Byron Short <>,
Subject: Re: Various Schools
From: Bob Monday <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 14:29:03 -0800 (PST)
Byron told me that I should get in touch with Mark Sirota re: the Geez
school. Jean tells me that Byron is in charge... Mark says, "Don't tell
me.. post it to the list". Who pulls the names from the list? That's
who I'm posting! For the rest of you, "Sorry 'bout the spam". <G>

Would SOMEONE just put me down as interested in the Geez school,
please. Easter weekend in Philly would be not only fine, but preferred,
since it permits travel time on either side (assuming the school is
Friday night/Saturday). If that doesn't fly, just let me know when
there will be one within a day's drive of Indy.


Bob Monday

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