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Re: Lost files?

Subject: Re: Lost files?
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 06:47:30 -0700
It sounds like the program saves the geez.ini file only upon closing.  
The lastrun name is stored in the geez.ini, so at fire-up that's how it 
knows the name of the program to use.  But there should be a couple of 
relatively easy fixes for this.  Let me look at it when I get back to 
Arizona at the end of the week, and see if I can straighten it out.

I'd like to pick up a bunch of the little details suggested on this 
forum so far into a new version on the weekend.  Nothing big, but all 
this little stuff.  I'll obviously let the list know when I escape from 
Cleveland and get this all done.

--Byron wrote:
> Byron,
>     This weekend using geez for testing, I recorded 2 runs at a time, then
> clicked ok, and had it say "2 files saved".  After 5 runs....I had 5 files.
> Then after the computer shut off after not closing out of geez, I went back
> and ran more runs.  Well, my next 2 runs were labeled as 1 and 2 for the same
> date as well as all subsequent runs.  Needless to say, the first 4 runs were
> overwritten and gone....What's up with that??
> Erik Strelnieks

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