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<html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"content-type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3D=
utf-8"></head><body dir=3D"auto">I don=E2=80=99t remember any wheel spin aft=
er we set the car up =E2=80=9Cbetter=E2=80=9D. <div><br></div><div>We h=
ave an open dif on the Ambro. It is balanced 50/50 with the engine set back 1=
0=E2=80=9D. But it=E2=80=99s being driven smoothly by Brendan with little ag=
gression. I am not aware of any wheel spin. It may never a Quaiffe in t=
he budget. <br><br><div dir=3D"ltr">Joe Alexander<div>4505 Donald Dr</d=
iv><div>Cedar Falls, IA 50613</div><div>The-vintage-racer.com</div><div>Gask=
etinnovations.com</div><div>Cell: 319.464.4711</div><div><br></div></d=
iv><div dir=3D"ltr"><br><blockquote type=3D"cite">On Jul 20, 2023, at 6:33 P=
M, Scott Janzen via Fot <fot@autox.team.net> wrote:<br><br></blockquot=
e></div><blockquote type=3D"cite"><div dir=3D"ltr">=EF=BB=BF<meta http-equiv=
=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Dutf-8">thanks, Dave.  =
;Well, I have a welded diff - it requires some input to work - does that mea=
n I drive like a madman? Interesting, your results are the opposite of=
what I would have expected. I assumed the welded diff is more of an i=
nhibitor in tight turns where it wants the car to understeer, and on sweeper=
s the wheel speed differential would have less of an effect.<div class=3D"">=
Guess I=E2=80=99ll just have to try and find out. Don=E2=80=99t like t=
he idea of any wheel spin though.<br class=3D""><div><br class=3D""><div cla=
ss=3D"">On Jul 20, 2023, at 12:54 PM, David Gott <<a href=3D"mailto:trium=
phsix@yahoo.com" class=3D"">triumphsix@yahoo.com</a>> wrote:</div><br cla=
ss=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"><div class=3D""><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><o:=
:OfficeDocumentSettings></xml><![endif]--><div class=3D"">
Hi Scott,<div class=3D""><br class=3D""></div><div class=3D"">I=E2=80=99ve r=
un both a welded diff in the #114 (Dads car) and a Quaiffe in the #80.  =
;On the same track, I find high speed sweeper corner speed is much better wi=
th the Quaiffe as the welded diff requires modulating the throttle to contro=
l the forced oversteer, where the quaife car is flat out. Last turn at=
Thompson, the #80 was 11mph faster exiting the corner with the same driver.=
However, on the hairpin, the welded diff was a much better performer=
where the quaife required a VERY smooth line and was modulating wheel spin w=
here the welded diff just rotated the car and shot out of a turn. I=E2=
=80=99ve developed a simple questionnaire to help. Lap times were the s=
ame on both cars.</div><div class=3D""><br class=3D""></div><div class=3D"">=
1. Do you drive like a madman? If yes, run the welded diff</div>=
<div class=3D"">2. Are you a smooth driver? If yes, the quaife rewards=
smoothness. </div><div class=3D""><br class=3D""></div><div class=3D"=
"><br class=3D""></div><div class=3D"">LOL</div><div class=3D""><br class=3D=
""></div><div class=3D"">I have not driven a Gripper diff</div><div class=3D=
""><br class=3D""></div><div class=3D""><br class=3D""></div><div class=3D""=
>I hope that helps!</div><div class=3D""><br class=3D""></div><div class=3D"=
">Dave Gott<br class=3D""><br class=3D""><br class=3D""><div class=3D"yahoo-=
signature"><a href=3D"https://mail.onelink.me/107872968?pid=3Dnativeplacemen=
4&af_sub5=3DEmailSignature__Static_" class=3D"">Sent from Yahoo Mail for=
iPhone</a><br class=3D""></div><br class=3D""><p class=3D"yahoo-quoted-begi=
n" style=3D"font-size: 15px; color: #715FFA; padding-top: 15px; margin-top: 0=
">On Thursday, July 20, 2023, 12:26 PM, Erik Jacobsen via Fot <<a href=3D=
"mailto:fot@autox.team.net"; class=3D"">fot@autox.team.net</a>> wrote:</p>=
<blockquote class=3D"iosymail"><div id=3D"yiv6379046069" class=3D""><div cla=
ss=3D""><div style=3D"font-family:Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-ser=
if;font-size:16px;" class=3D"yiv6379046069ydp16d59365yahoo-style-wrap"><div c=
<div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"">Scott,</div><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D"">=
Just my two cents worth (no cash value), but we have a Detroit locker in the=
TR3 and my wife runs a welded diff in the TR6. I raced both this weekend at=
RA, and frankly don't notice any difference except in the pits or pushing t=
he car. Bear in mind that neither us, nor our cars have ever been described a=
s super-fast. I do notice the difference when racing my Bugeye with an open d=
iff, as it lifts the inside rear and loses drive. </div><div dir=3D"ltr=
" class=3D""><br clear=3D"none" class=3D""></div><div dir=3D"ltr" class=3D""=
>Jake </div><div class=3D""><br clear=3D"none" class=3D""></div>
</div><div id=3D"yiv6379046069ydp84dc4effyahoo_quoted_0072671032" cl=
<div style=3D"font-family:'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sa=
ns-serif;font-size:13px;color:#26282a;" class=3D"">
<div id=3D"yiv6379046069yqt27877" class=3D"yiv6379046069yqt3=
174629621"><div class=3D"">
On Thursday, July 20, 2023 at 10:48:25 AM CDT, Scott Jan=
zen via Fot <<a href=3D"mailto:fot@autox.team.net"; class=3D"">fot@autox.t=
eam.net</a>> wrote:
<div class=3D""><br clear=3D"none" class=3D""></div>
<div class=3D""><br clear=3D"none" class=3D""></div>
<div class=3D""><div id=3D"yiv6379046069ydp84dc4effyiv675343=
3236" class=3D""><div class=3D"">Does anyone have experience with a Gripper d=
iff - or a Quaiffe? I currently run a welded diff in the GT6 and am co=
ntemplating whether any advantage could be gained by making a swap. Ce=
rtainly curious as to what the super fast GT6s at the Kastner Cup were runni=
ng.<div class=3D"yiv6379046069ydp84dc4effyiv6753433236"><br clear=3D"none" c=
lass=3D"yiv6379046069ydp84dc4effyiv6753433236"></div><div class=3D"yiv637904=
6069ydp84dc4effyiv6753433236">Scott Janzen</div><div class=3D"yiv6379046069y=
dp84dc4effyiv6753433236">'68 GT6<br clear=3D"none" class=3D"yiv6379046069ydp=
84dc4effyiv6753433236"><div class=3D"yiv6379046069ydp84dc4effyiv6753433236">=
<br clear=3D"none" class=3D"yiv6379046069ydp84dc4effyiv6753433236"></div><di=
v class=3D"yiv6379046069ydp84dc4effyiv6753433236"><br clear=3D"none" class=3D=
___________________________________<br clear=3D"none" class=3D""><a rel=3D"n=
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ef=3D"http://www.team.net/donate.html"; target=3D"_blank" class=3D"">http://w=
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