This terrific!
I am sure you are the right guy to be an agent of change.
I'll provide a couple of items directly to you.
Joe (A)
> Based upon the recent fervor about Mid Ohio on our list, I have been asked
> by
> SVRA Competition Director, Carl Jensen, to do a meeting with Michelle Truman
> at the track during the June Vintage Race. The purpose would be for her to
> address past problems and inform me of actions taken to correct them.
> I would like to be prepared with a list of specific issues that have turned
> people off from going there. I all ready have a couple:
> 1. Not being allowed to take a pickup with empty fuel jugs into the paddock
> area to get fuel at their pumps. You can do this, but you have to drive out
> to the track entrance and surrender your driver's license until you come back
> within 15 minutes.
> 2. Having the walk gate locked where you would normally walk from the grassy
> paddock area into the main paddock area by the fuel pumps.
> 3. Paying a large amount (I heard $200) to spend the weekend in your trailer
> in the paddock without any services provided.
> Please, no rants and rambles! Just specific Mid Ohio track issues that have
> pissed you off over the years and are keeping you away.
> Thanks,
> Jeff Snook