Dear FOT,
I finally got around to installing an exhaust gas temperature gage, with
sensors in the Number 1 and Number 4 exhaust manifold pipes. The two scales on
the gage range from 8 to 16 degrees F, with a 100 multiplier. At first, the
gage arrows would not move off of their low points, so the gage may be faulty.
Then one of the two arrows started to move upscale, with the other one not
moving at all.
This brings on the following questions:
-Could there be anything else wrong besides the gage being faulty?
-Approximately, what temperatures should I be seeing?
-If the gage were working properly, are we supposed to adjust the mixture to
the carburetors to obtain nearly equal temperature readings of the two needles?
I have been adjusting the carburetor jets by turning the nuts out a specified
number of turns, and then using a depth gage to set the jets an equal
distance down, with the cover, piston, and needles off of the carburetor.