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Re: FOT Survey: Interest in National Racecar/Autocross Event

Subject: Re: FOT Survey: Interest in National Racecar/Autocross Event
From: Susan Hensley <>
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2000 22:45:17 -0600
> 1. Would you attept to annually participate in an all triumph race event
> showcasing both pre 1972 and post 1972 racing cars/setups?

I would love to, considering my available vacation.

> 2. Would autocrossers be willing to use the actual race track (with some
> chicanes) for auto cross matches if necessary?

That would be a hoot!  (Translated, means "Why, yes" for all ya'll non-Texans).

> 3. Would you prefer an all Triumph Automobile Race (the TAR) or British
> Automobile Race (the BAR) with jags, mgs, etc?

I think a BAR event would be fun, but as a secondary event to a Triumph
"feature" race.  Maybe we can co-sponsor a British weekend (read split the
costs ;) with other British marques where we each have our own feature races
but all qualify together.  I am all for having a "Triumphs Only" event if we
can fill the bill, but bear in mind when vintage racing wasn't, other British
marques were included.

> 4. Would you be willing to donate time to see such an event take place ?

Yep!  Depending on when and where, of course.  All events like this would have
some sort of behind the scenes mailing/communications/etc going on before and
after, and those of us on the farther edges of the nation can handle things
like that without having to get to the event a day early to handle
registration, etc.

Thanks for the idea and the work in getting this going, Cary!

Keep Triumphing,
Susan   :)

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