Hey list. Anyone out there have a key for sale. I bought a roadster with a
very nice antenna I want to put on my car. I have a 67 1600 and its not a
67.5, Its been sitting past 3 years, not running, very original and
complete,with soft and hard tops, minus the antenna with title for 700.00
feders are rusty PO owned the car for past 30 years and says engine is good,
Second car I have is 68 1600 with 5 speed Mike Faggerts old car It has racing
seat belts decent interior, Custom Nasa air scoop. car has a little rust, but
not rotted, frame rails are there under the hood car is primered. Body has
small dents. It has decent soft top good brakes. I am currently putting the
motor together and need to get the exhaust welded up. Will sell as running car
for 1300.00 in a couple of weeks. Thanks, Chris
67.5spl2000 70L18SSS510