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Re: North Texas Roadsters

To: Camron Ware <>,
Subject: Re: North Texas Roadsters
From: Ronnie Day <>
Date: Sat, 20 May 2006 22:18:31 -0500
> Who all on the list is from the north texas area? Dallas/ft. worth...?

Cameron, there are a number of roadster and 510 owners on the list who live
in DFW and a bunch more of us south. We recently moved from Temple SE to
Cameron, then there are several folks in the Austin and San Antonio areas as
well as a few over around Houston. There are also a good number of roadster
types up your way who aren't on the list, or at least not real active.

Are you aware that the Z-Car national convention is being held in DFW the
week after Memorial Day? Not sure if I'm going to get up there for it or


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