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Re: How about fuel injection for your roadster?

To: "thomas walter" <>,
Subject: Re: How about fuel injection for your roadster?
From: "Andy Cost" <>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2004 18:36:31 -0600
 I've got a shop with several lathes, mills, cnc machines, etc...  There is
a machine tool repair business that leases half of my laboratory space.  I
go over there and use their stuff all the time.  Most of the time when I
need something done I take a 6-pack over to the crusty old machinist and he
fixes me up in short order.  He did a lot of work on my brakes to make the
13" wheels fit.  I could probably make the bungs.  I would rather pay $12
each on EBAY instead of spending several hours with a lathe and a heliarc.

I've read some about the benefits of sequential fuel injection.  A common
beleif is that sequential injection is better for emmissions but not
important for performance applications.  A megasquirt system is a bank
injection.  It fires all the injectors at the same time.  The injectors fire
almost continuously at full throttle so it is less important to have them
sequential.  The fuel map can be adjusted at part throttle to give decent
throttle response.  If I can find the site where all this was discussed I'll
forward it to the list.

I would consider building some fuel injection kits for the roadster if
anyone is interested.



>With SU Carb bodies... and the 1 3 4 2 firing order. 2
> and 3 have the longest amount of time for fuel to be
> squirted. The fuel injection really needs to be
> triggered from the camshaft to get 1 & 2 balanced,
> ditto for 3 & 4.  A custom "port" manifold would work
> much better for air/fuel distribution.
> Andy -- do you have access to a metal lathe? Those
> bungs are not that hard to make. :)   Long term
> project, and I need to take some TIG classes

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