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Re: Singing the praises of the rev limiter

Subject: Re: Singing the praises of the rev limiter
From: "s.ulrich" <>
Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 13:05:49 -0700
Your tach may have read 6K, but mechanically didn't you force an 
overrev? I mean, gears are gears and unless that MSD instantly engaged 
the clutch your engine was going whatever speed the tranny forced it to go.

Or am I mistaken here?

Andrew Murphy wrote:

> Luckily for me, my MSD 6AL has a built in "Soft Touch" rev limiter 
> that kicks in at 6000 RPM. It reduces the intensity of the spark and 
> also  fires every other cycle to ensure that fuel does not build up in 
> the cylinder. Worked like a charm. The thought of what might have 
> happened if I did not have it in place scares me. Well worth the money 
> I paid for it considering the price of a rebuilt head.
> So for those of you considering a Gary Boone EI dizzy (great product), 
> you may also want to consider a MSD 6AL. It may just save your engine 
> someday.
> Andrew Murphy
> 1967.5 2000 Solex
> SRL311-00489

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