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Re: Bikini - bimini - sashimi top

To: <>
Subject: Re: Bikini - bimini - sashimi top
From: "Mark Sedlack" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 14:15:32 -0400
Thanks for all the replies - you've confirmed my idea of using a spare front
top bow and roll bar attachment.  I'll have to round one up, or make one up
out of f'glass.  Don't relish the thought of cutting up the hardtop I got
with the "R".

I was thinking of using a small aluminum "C" channel, bent to fit the
contour of the rollbar, and mounted on the back of the bar, with a thick
"welt" cord or flexible plastic welding rod sewn into the back edge of the
top which would allow it to be slipped in from the end of the channel, and
hold the entire edge of the top taught.  A couple of slip in stays might
help too.

Thanks again!
Mark Sedlack
Cuyahoga Falls OH
66 1600
77 280Z

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