My view as to gas prices and the prices of lots of other commodities has to
do with supply and demand. All the conventional drilling that can be done,
under current extraction techniques, cannot keep up with what is coming as the
Chinese and Indians improve their standards of living and want to own and drive
It is for this reason why I believe that there must be much greater research,
including government subsidiaries and tax breaks, into better coal gas
conversion, solar and wind, electric and hybrid vehicles, nuclear energy and
means of powering an industrial society. Just despoiling a few pristine Arctic
Wildernesses will not have much of a long term impact on the price of oil, and
will instead leave us with a degraded environment.
It is time to bite the bullet and increase the CAFE goals, and pay more than
lip service to alternative energy research.
We may want to blame the oil companies, as they have near monopoly power, but
that is the essence of capitalism. The need competition, and that will drive
down, or at least slow the increases of, prices at the pump.
Roadster content -- there is a new push in CA to get old clunkers of the
street, i.e. 1960s cars like ours. This is an attempt to clean the air here in
LA. Has anyone ever considered a natural gas Datsun roadster? Do you need
Injection to run natural gas, or will carburetors work?
Gary C
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