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Re: Z trany

Subject: Re: Z trany
From: "Dan Zubkoff" <>
Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 03:03:36 +0000
Wow...never knew it was so straightforward to replace a roadster 4spd with z 

Why have so few roadster owners made this swap.? With the higher cost of a 
Roadster Transmission vs the inexpensive, durable and widely available Z 
5spds... why haven't more folks made this mod?

Roll call...Who on the list is running a R/U engine with a Z-5Spd?

Dan Zubkoff
San Mateo, CA

>From: James Ross <>
>Reply-To: James Ross <>
>Subject: Re: Z trany
>Date: Thu, 06 May 2004 09:35:07 +0800
>Most nissan boxes are a 2 part box with a sandwhich plate in the middle 
>that carries the shafts/gears.
>These boxes can be split and the front half (read belhousings, but its a 
>little more than that) are typically interchangeable.
>You will often need to change the bearing that sits in the 'bell housing" 
>as they are of varing OD sizes.
>So splitting a 1600 box to obtain the bell housing, and simply bolting this 
>to most any other nissan 5 speeds will enable you to bolt it to your R 
>series roadster engine . Just remember to put that blue sealing goop 
>between the half's and away you go.
>Gearbox's that i have seen this done to and fitted to a roaster include Z 
>box's, but the list does not stop there. Skyline 5 speeds are also very 
>good (till ~82).

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