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Re: 2 cylinder 2000 solex problem

Subject: Re: 2 cylinder 2000 solex problem
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2004 23:26:42 EDT
An expert Roadster mechanic gave me an idea having to do with the backing 
plate and the solex carb air filter, but it will be Friday afternoon before I 
will be able to see if he is right.  So I won't have any news until then.  But 
given the symptoms, and what I have eliminated, I suspect he is.

Gary C

In a message dated 4/21/2004 7:46:33 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> I wonder if we could hear from Gary about what it was....I'm really 
> curious!!!!  
> D
> Brian Hollands <> wrote:
> >If this is occurring only at idle: the idle adjustment screws over the
> >throat of each barrel may not be turned out enough. These screws are
> brass >and I have seen people bottom them out and twist the pointed tip
> off in the >casting. Years and years of bottoming the screw and then
> backing it to the >set idle weakens the brass tip. God help you if this
> is the issue. 
> Good point! I had to fix that problem on a buddies car last year. I
> managed to push the stuck tip of the idle screw out of the hole with a
> paper clip, needle nose pliers, and a LOT of patience. You have to be
> very careful to try not to score the carb throat around the
> circumference of the hole. I didn't do it perfectly but the car could
> be tuned and ran fine afterward. Unscrew the idle mix adjust screws
> completely from the carbs and look for them to have a tapered end that
> comes to a point. If they don't come to a point, you'll never get it to
> run right without getting those holes cleared.
> Brian '69 2000
> Tampa, FL

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