It is possible that the cam is in 180 degrees out. A quick way to check is
to re-arrange the plug wires for a firing order that is 180 degrees out.
Another way to check is to put the crank at top dead center and look at the
#1 cylendar cam lobes. You may have to rotate the crank a couple of times
to get the motor at top dead center on #1 cylendar. If the cam is in there
right then the #1 cam lobes will both be pointing up. One will be roughly
at 10:00 and the other will be at 2:00. If the cam is 180 degrees out then
they will both be pointing down at 4:00 and 8:00. I ran a motor very hard
on the race track for almost a whole season with the cam 180 degrees out. I
just re-arranged the plug wires and it ran like a charm.