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who is this guy andrew murphy??

Subject: who is this guy andrew murphy??
From: prima donna <>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2003 21:00:29 -0700 (PDT)
I have been lurking here on this list..
And I noticed how everyone likes to help each other...and I like that..
But then there is this Andrew Murphy that on his every email, he talks about how
beautiful his car rare it is..and how he spent so much money restoring 
it .
Oh whats his term "wheelbarrow" thats alot of money I guess..
Hey its one thing to think how beautiful your car is and how rare it is, but to 
go out
and brag about how much money you spent is just being arrogant.
And then he tells everyone how the bar has been raised. Why doesnt he just let 
the people decide.
Im sorry but I thought the whole purpose of the solvang or the mount shasta 
show is 
to enjoy each others company and admire each others cars.
More power to Andrew Murphy if he wants to spend all that money. I dont have a 
with that. Im just not into this ," I can spend more money than you so my car 
is better "arrogant attitude.
Sorry If I offend anyone. anyone but Andrew that is.
Back to lurking.
Thats just my opinion. Im probably the only one that feels that way.

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