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heating issue again

To: "Datsun Forum" <>
Subject: heating issue again
From: "datsun" <>
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2003 16:11:41 -0700
hi all,

I checked he timing, adjusted the carbs. the engine is running good. I
checked the coolant and it is at the top of the thermo housing. I checked it
air but none came out. the overflow tank is about 1/3 full. I did not know
that it needed to be. thx for the help on that. I ran the car at idle in the
garage until if warmed up. it topped out at around 200 degrees. there was no
overflow this time. I still need to replace the overflow tank cap as was
suggested. I am wondering if it was the lack of coolant in the overflow tank
that caused it to purge like it did last week. I noticed a small amount of
smoke coming out of my breather on the valve cover.  I just installed a set
of round K&N filters on the carbs so I had to install one. thx for all the
help on that as well. probably oil. thoughts?

also, Keith Alan are you still on the forum?


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