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Re: tight motor

To: "Andy Cost" <>, <>
Subject: Re: tight motor
From: "Tom Phelan" <>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 16:06:01 -0500
> >>I am in the process of assembling a u20.  I had the crank ground and
> >installed
> >>new crank bearings.  The clearance is .025mm.  The manual I have gives a
> >>minimum clearance of .020mm.  The problem I've got is that it is
> impossible
> >to
> >>turn the crank over by hand with a big breaker bar.  Is .025mm too

Since we're talking clearance, doesn't bigger mean looser?

> >The
> >>crank was checked and straightened.  I tried using moly assembly lube
> >when
> >>it wouldn't turn over I tried Dexron.  Any suggestions?  Should I try to
> >break
> >>it in some by turning it with the caps not torqued down tight?
> >>
> >>Thanks,

How about the rope rear seal. If not prepared properly it will clamp the
crank real hard when you torque up that rear main cap. Just a thought. Try
it without the seal and see what happens.

Tom P

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