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First color and powder coating

Subject: First color and powder coating
From: "Andrew Murphy" <>
Date: Mon, 09 Dec 2002 18:45:04 -0800
Hey All,

The Ross express is in high gear and even more good news is coming to me out 
of Canada. The first paint has been shot onto my car. True, it is enamel 
paint for the underbody and Body tub floor, but even so it is very beautiful 
(to me anyway) and nicely done. It will be a while before the exterior body 
gets color as the process of finding the "hills and valleys" needs to happen 
and that will take many more hours of work. I have no doubt it will be 

Also, the frame, suspension and underbody components came back from the 
powder coaters today. I chose a light grey color for my powder coat as the 
body is going to be black and I didn't wan't it to wash out when the body is 
put on.

It's looking like the rolling frame will start to come together in January 
and the first color shoot will be in late February. It's really starting to 
come together.

Pics at:

See you on the road!

Andrew Murphy

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