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RE: Tire Question

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Tire Question
From: "Laury, Victor" <LauryV@MTA.NET>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2002 09:59:31 -0700
>ok, I'm confused.  do you want positive offset on wheels on a the rear of a

roadster?  I thought positive offset meant that the tire would be closer to 
the center of the car, by, in this case, 20 to 25 mm.  with the already 
narrow rear track, don't you want to have negative offset wheels?  if you
positive offset wheels, is there chance of rubbing the leaf springs?

There's more leeway toward the spring than the fender. The ZX wheels your
running are +15. if they were 0's you'd have to flare or raise the rear or
both. But your right in the fact that our track is too narrow. The main
problem is getting enough tire under the car, track width be dammed. BRE
developed the "Squirelies" springs (springs with cut-out's for tire
clearance) to get wider wheels without flaring (not legal at the time). a
7'' wheel +25mm is going to be cutting it fine no matter what. your pretty
much squeezing the limits of the stock capabilities. It's kind of tough to
be sure without actually having the wheel/tire on-hand to try, before you

Steve, is the black 67.5 body in the shop yet? nudge, nudge.

your tax dollars at work,

Victor Laury
Environmental Specialist II
Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Quality Assurance Department
Environmental Compliance Management
(213) 922-5795
(213) 922-5142 Fax
900 Lyon Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012-2952 

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