Fred Davidson knows about this and Dick Tillinger too and of course Mike
Unger. All of them should be at the Glen.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Long" <>
To: "roadster list" <>
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 3:10 PM
Subject: late vs. early steering....another twist
> During the past couple of weeks I've been preparing the steering
> components for re-installation, including a late RB style steering box,
> to replace the worm drive style as original on my '68.
> In the past, various listers had suggested that A) there were no issues
> with interchanging idler boxes (or arms) between late and early cars, as
> long as the 1/8" spacer is installed at the idler when using the newer
> RB steering box or B) the idler and steering boxes were 'matched' and so
> one had to use the correct combination to be assured of good results, or
> C) the frames themselves are different on the different cars....
> As far as I can tell, the idler boxes themselves are the same, but the
> idler arms are NOT (early '68 vs. '69 in my case).....the *horizontal*
> distance between the main shaft hole and the cross link hole on the
> forward facing portion of the arm, is about 1/2" farther out on the '69
> idler arm. The horizontal distance between the main shaft and the
> tie-rod holes seem to be the same.
> Anyone else come across this? I'm pretty sure that the '69 components
> are untouched originals, but I can't say the same for the '68
> components, as they were subjected to a pseudo-restoration at one point
> (before I bought the car)...
> Ideas? If the idler arms are different, then the steering box arm has
> to be different in the same way, in order to maintain steering geometry
> through the range of motion. I did not take the steering box apart, as
> it was tight and leak free, so I have not done the same comparison
> between the RB and Worm box arms.
> I'll bring both idler arms to Watkins Glen, to take advantage of the
> knowledge and experience congregating there.
> Pete Long
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