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latest on the Ignition problem

To: "Datsun Forum" <>
Subject: latest on the Ignition problem
From: "Datsun_Sports" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 17:13:51 -0700
hey all,

first thx for the great tips on what to look for! here is the latest. I
bought new wire and connectors and rewired from the distributor to the coil,
to the ballast, to the fuse box. car started! very much happy. shut the car
down with the switch. very very much happy! ( it would not shut down unless
I pulled a jumper wire I was using before), I started car again! she ran!
then she stopped :(. now I could not even get a click out of her. so I
jumped her with my truck. car started right up. however it will not stay
running if the cables are removed. in case you  missed it from an earlier
post I used to have to jump from the coil to the battery to get it started.
I must have inadvertently solved that problem because I no longer need it.
Tom suggested that maybe the ammeter was bad or shorting out. it is missing
the glass and trim ring and looks 35 years old so I hope that is it. Is
there a way to bypass the ammeter until I get a new one? maybe a jumper from
the wire going into the gauge to the one coming out? with an inline fuse? im
on my way to put a meter on the gauge right now!



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