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ID tags and number stamps revisited

Subject: ID tags and number stamps revisited
From: "sidney raper" <>
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2002 21:56:31 -0400
I just stamped a replacement tag for SRL311-00060.  The engine number is 
00233, so I was able to compare the stamp sizes and the font once stamped.  
Well, the stamps that I have are almost identical to the original stampings 
after comparing them to the original tags that I have from deceased cars.  
The differences are almost indistiguishable.  I also compared the numbers 
that I did not stamp with the tags, so these are great!  These are even the 
same size stamps (not smaller as I had thought - deceptive until you 
actually stamp these little buggers!)

Sidney Raper
1964 1500
1967 SRL311 00060
1967 SRL311 00076
Jacksonville Florida


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