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Update on Z Wheel sleeves.

Subject: Update on Z Wheel sleeves.
From: Mike Harper <>
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 18:01:35 -0800 (PST)
I just got my first run of the lug nut sleeves for the
Z wheels, and they work as anticipated.  They are cut
nicely, but the cost is higher than I expected.

Since Victor posted the link to the lug nut
manufacturer who supposedly makes a .73 OD lug nut
with a 7/16" thread, my whole project may be obsolete
anyway.  I visited the site but was unable to order
the advertised nuts (new item?) I E-mailed them to ask
why and have not gotten a response.

If however these lugs are available for $25 for a set
of 24, that sounds like the solution.  In the meantime
however, I have 2 sets of 16 sleeves that I will sell
for a little less than my cost so far ($20 per set). 
That is way more than I wanted them to cost, and maybe
after I get rolling with more they can be done
cheaper, but unfortunately, not a lot cheaper.  I have
had several people who have said they want them, but
at this price, and with the possibility of a lug nut
alternative, I will understand if you pass.

For someone on the list with some good machine tools,
they can be done pretty cheap if you have a good way
to cut the tubing.  Contact me off list and I will
tell you the specs and where I got the tubing if you
want to mass produce some.  I supposedly have more
comming, but my guy is kinda slow.

If I find that interest has waned, I'll call off any
further investment.  Let me know.

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