It was written:
> ...Datsun probably wised up and put a fuse to protect not only the
> ammeter but the entire car from a serious meltdown.
They weren't that smart. The ammeter *IS* the main fuse. Nissan
did NOT use fusable links for fuses in the main feed (hint: this is
a really good upgrade to do)
> I was shocked about the ignition being fused as well...
All subcircuits are fused, except for a couple: horn and safety flasher,
as I recall without looking it up... the starter solenoid may not be fused,
either; I'd have to look it up...
> If you look at the fuse box cover... one of which is marked IGN...
> the other is marked Ammeter.
The ammeter connection is 'always hot', that is, it is not controlled
by the ignition switch. The IGN contact has power only when the
switch is in the 'run' position.
-- John
John F Sandhoff Sacramento, CA