Ive had many weeks to ponder the negative statements
that Les Cannady said about my company suggesting
impropriety and misuse of e-mail, etc. etc. He raised
many questions in this forum as to my motives. Since
he raised these questions here in this forum I will
answer them directly and honestly.
Sponsorship or promotions from companies was never a
problem when Frank Beer ran the Solvang Meet. In fact
when Les took over the Solvang Meet prizes and gifts
from Fairlady Products were received with open arms.
One of the years that I showed up to Solvang, Les
asked me to personally hand out some of my prizes to
the winners. Others were there to witness this.
My conversation with Joe Roach was as follows. I
pre-qualified the submission of my flyers and gift
promotions. I asked him if it would be ok to send them
down, as others would be handing out their gifts and
promotions. He said it would not be a problem. In
fact I gain nothing from my gift offer (check the
prices of the parts Im giving away). My phone
records show a lengthy phone call to his number on the
day he agreed to accept my flyers. Anyone who wishes
to view them I will send them a copy.
I spent $150 on color laser print copies and sent them
to Joe Roach. In my Special Message to Solvang
Participants I asked for names only. The flyer has
nothing written on it stating that I received or
needed private information. Les says that he did not
give my flyers to Joe. Thats interesting because a
UPS delivery confirmation notice shows the package
being delivered to Joe not Les. Anyone wishing to view
this notice may contact me. It was later after I
found out my gifts were withheld that I asked Gregg
Glass to reach the people who showed up so they could
make up their own minds in receiving their prizes.
Well some of them (Paul Hatter, Steve Allen, Kerry
Dehmel) so far have happily come forward. If Joe did
not want my flyers or business cards, he shouldve
told me before I spent the money to send them.
When I did not receive phone calls in regards to my
Solvang gifts, I called Joe and he called me back
remarking my flyers and gifts turned up missing which
is why they were not distributed. Why Les responded
to any of this, I do not understand. Joe ran the Meet
and my agreement and discussions were only with him.
This is what happens when a business is too closely
tied to an event where bias, prejudice and falsehoods
are used to distort the facts. Talk about Spam mail!
All I wanted was a list of the names of people who
attended Solvang so that I could award prizes to these
individuals when they called.
Whether I am able to show up to a meet or not does not
determine my love of the cars or the people who drive
them. I show my support the best way I can and in my
own way by offering prizes and this has never, ever,
ever been an issue at the Mount Shasta Meet or at the
Watkins Glen Meet. No one should dictate to anyone
what he or she needs to do in order to contribute.
It is unfair that Les can present a distortion of the
truth without allowing me to have equal time to
express my side of the events. It is unfortunate that
I need to do it here.
A car meet or show is about the car owners who are
able to show up and help one another, sharing new
information concerning restoration and technical
information, and rewarding those who have labored to
create a restoration they can be proud of. All
vendors should be active participants in assisting,
contributing and answering questions in whatever way
possible concerning their projects. No vendor should
use their clout or power to block the existence of
other vendors or paint a tainted picture of their
actions or motives.
Ross at Sports Imports always accepted my flyers and
prizes when he ran the Mount Shasta Meet. Despite any
competition, and sometimes we were fiercely
competitive between our businesses, he never allowed
himself to lose my flyers nor turn away prizes that
belong to the participants. If the participants dont
want my prizes, let it be their decision and their
decision only. We live in a Democracy not a
Dictatorship. People should be free to exercise their
right to make up their own mind. If people do not
wish to claim their prizes or if they wish to throw
away my flyers it is their decision.
If our motives are truly about the preservation and
restoration of a classic car, as vendors we need to
set aside our personal grievances and complaints. I
have many customers who would love to show up to the
San Diego and Solvang Meets. For some reason I am
never informed of these events with a phone call or
flyers that I can distribute or display. Im sure my
customers would love to show their support and meet
others with similar goals and interests.
Because of personal grievances others may carry
towards my company the rule of thumb in terms of
letting me know the details of these meets seems to be
Damn Dean and Damn Deans client base i.e.
It would be wonderful to have more cars show up at
these meets, but my customers are not given the
opportunity to be informed and are ostracized because
they choose to have an association with my company.
It is an unfortunate shame that this issue exists. Les
says he doesnt use the list to promote himself or to
share his opinion. By slamming me and calling my gift
offer Spam and inferring that my gifts are so called
gifts suggesting that they are misrepresentations, he
is indeed making a comment and inference about my
business. In attempting to make me look bad he in
effect is promoting himself and his own business the
very thing he says he is not doing.
I will not use the list again to defend myself from
this kind of slander. In the future I will not dignify
the remarks Les or anyone else says that is negative
in this forum with an answer. If someone has a problem
with me or with something Ive done and wishes to
discuss it with me then I am here to listen and either
explain my actions or give my side of the story. If it
is service related problem I will do whatever is
necessary to attempt to satisfy my customers. And
this is as it should be. I am human like anyone else
and am not perfect nor claim to be. I have made my
share of mistakes. Customer feedback whether they be
complaint or praise are always welcome. All you have
to do is call. I apologize for using this list to
voice my concerns in regards to this matter. The 43
prizes are listed in my website for those of you who
wish to claim them.
For the person or persons who still have my flyers,
please return them, as they do not belong to you.
Dean Apostal
Fairlady Products
(818) 363-2015
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