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Re: Charging problems revisited

To: "Adam Bradley" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Charging problems revisited
From: "datsunmike" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2001 12:43:39 -0400

You didn't mention what type of alt you put in but it sounds like the
voltage regulator is shot. I had that problem a while ago. Overcharge then
undercharge. If it's a built in regulator then the alt must be changed. I
have heard of stories where an overcharging condition caused the electrical
system to melt down. Better undercharging than overcharging.

I also had another problem when I discovered that a wire connecting to the
alt was almost torn through and only a few strands were still connected to
the connector however this was after I changed to another type of alternator
and made my own connections and the harness was not long enough and being
pulled too tightly. I rectified that by using an old harness and lenghtening
the wires considerably. Check all the connectors.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Adam Bradley" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, July 08, 2001 11:01 AM
Subject: Charging problems revisited

> I don't know what's going on with my electrical system.  The drive to
> Shasta was great and problem-free.  About two hours later I drove from
> the Roadster to the All Datsun event and on the way the car started
> missing badly.  I pulled over and the battery was leaking acid like it
> was overcharging.  After waiting a few minutes I drove to the event and
> didn't have any more symptoms.
> On the way home it started getting lower and lower.  I actually made it
> all the way to Woodland (over 200 miles from Shasta) before the battery
> got so low that it was missing again.  By Sacramento my fuel and temp
> gauges didn't register and I couldn't accelerate at all.  I got off the
> freeway at my offramp and made three or four lights in a row, missing
> horribly the whole way.  I hit a red light and that was all she wrote.
> I charged the battery from my other car (I was only about 1/2 mile from
> home - amazing) for about five minutes then my car started right up!
> Drove home and it sits there still.
> So... either my new alternator bit the dust or my battery won't hold
> its charge, or maybe my ground is bad which is stopping the battery
> from charging - I dunno.  Any thoughts?
> =====
> Adam
> '70 1600 SPL311-28181
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