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To: "Datsun Roadsters" <>
Subject: Superchargers
From: "Terry and Donna Cost" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 18:50:24 -0600
I see that my supercharger is getting the attention it deserves.  I will
license it for production, if any of the vendors out there want to sell it.
I tried the gerbil and there are problems with interchangeability of parts.
Also, parasitic power losses are higher in gerbils.

I have been experimenting with "stealth" technology, specifically the power
systems of the SR-71 Blackbird, which as you know has  "Ram-Jet" engines.  I
have developed a "Ram-Flow" supercharger using a traffic cone, a length of
vacuum cleaner hose, and a stock 2000 air cleaner.  I will post pictures on
the TDROC website, and I have given my West Coast Distributor, Calspeed
Carrion, permission to post them on his website.  The system is a simple
one, and has no parasitic drag or exhaust restrictions.  Bolt the traffic
cone to your front bumper (wide side to the front), run the hose through the
engine compartment to the modified air cleaner, and prepare to feel the rush
of power as you accelerate.  The unit is most efficient at high speed, but
you can tune the system for lower speeds by selecting larger traffic cones
as the "scoop".  Pricing will depend on the volume of orders Calspeed and I

Leisure Suit Terry

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