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Wheels / Rims

Subject: Wheels / Rims
From: "Brad Holmes" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 10:17:14 +600
This is directed to Alex Avery in particular and to anyone else
who may have an answer to my question.

Alex, the picture of your car in the Roadster Registry has the 
type of wheels / rims I'm looking for. They look similar to Gordon
Glasgow's car. I know his rims are Appliance (brand) wire mags, 
but they are apparently out of production.

What is the brand / model / size of your rims?

Does anyone else know where those type (wire mag) rims can
be purchased?

I've been searching the web and haven't found anything close.
(rice rims abound)

soon, 68, 2000
Brad Holmes
(334) 244-3713
Fax (334) 244-3792

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