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Re: Roadster wanted

To: Gordon Glasgow <>
Subject: Re: Roadster wanted
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 11:55:35 -0700

I think that if you go back and read through the thread on this subject, you'll 
detect a pretty snotty
attitude on the part of Mr. Mikes. The number of people whom he rubbed the 
wrong way far outnumber the
folks who think he was just misunderstood (judging by the responses). Other 
folks have inquired to the
list after Roadsters available for sale without getting all uppity when, in the 
interest of being able
to help them more effectively, they are asked to provide more information. This 
guy also shot back some
pretty snappy offline responses, I understand (such as "Doesn't that big "L" on 
your forehead bother
you?") - no way to make friends among a group of enthusiasts to whom you are 
going for help.

The dumping didn't start when he didn't specifically say where he is located - 
it started when he got
all smart@$$ about even being asked, coming off with this "Just show me what 
you've got and I'll buy it
if I like it, then unsubscribe from the list" stuff. It's not like there are a 
bunch of desperate
Roadster owners out there just dying for someone to please come and buy their 
car. Good Roadsters are
hard to find, and though we are all somewhat biased on this issue - worth 
looking for. It is all well
and good to have a broad band of acceptance in what model, year, level of 
modification, etc. that one
would be willing to buy, but it is incumbent upon a purchaser to go looking, 
not to expect folks to come
begging to him "Please, is my car worthy of your attention?". He displayed a 
rather serious level of
uppityness when he said "Let me see if I can make this clear to all of you. I 
want a roadster. I know
about roadsters." Maybe he does know about Roadsters, and none of us will blame 
him for wanting a
Roadster, but is that any way to talk?

The bottom line is: Attitude counts for a lot in this world, and you can't 
expect to be treated any
better than you treat other folks. Mr. Mikes' attitude sucked, and that's what 
pissed people off.

Gary McCormick
San Jos�, CA

Gordon Glasgow wrote:

> Okay, so I'm catching up on my email after having not been on for a couple of 
>days, so maybe this
> thread has already died. But I have to speak up on this.
> Is it the heat, or pre-Shasta stress or what? A guy (who is known to those of 
>us who have been on
> this list for a while) comes on and says he is looking for a roadster. Any 
>decent street roadster.
> And because he doesn't say specifically where he's located, everybody starts 
>dumping on him! And
> when he replies that it doesn't matter, he'll unload his race car from the 
>trailer and come get it
> if it's the right car, you dump on him some more!
> I've never seen this kind of CRAP on this list before and I hope I never see 
>it again! What the hell
> do you think this is, a Porsche list? What do you think the lurkers on the 
>list think of this? Do
> you think this encourages them to post questions? This is an embarrassment to 
>the list. I think you
> guys all owe an apology to both John and this list for your attitudes.
> --
> Gordon Glasgow

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