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Re: speaking of gas

To:, Stephan Sochoux <>
Subject: Re: speaking of gas
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 14:50:28 -0700
I always go with the big name stuff. Usually Shell, or Chevron. I stay 
away from the mom&pop variety.

There were some times I had no choice and gassed up with mom&pop and my 
cars ran terrible. My experience is that a lot of these places have 
water and contaminants in their tanks, let alone inferior gasoline 
blends. Check your gas filter after using it and you'll see.

Side note: it's been pointed out on the list that shelf life of gas 
nowadays is real short, so I try to use up the gas within a few weeks so 
I'm always using fresh gas. Some of these mom&pop places in the boonies 
may not get resupplied often so the shelf life may be shorter.

Fred - So.SF, Calif.
$2.13/gal at my local Shell

> ______________________ Reply Separator ___________________________
> Subject: speaking of gas
> Author:  Stephan Sochoux <>
> Date:    6/28/2000 1:50 PM
> Hello all,
> Shell, Chevron, mom&pop, etc.. same stuff ??
> I've been told it's all the same yet some people swear by a brand.
> What's the concensus on gas quality? 
> Stephan
> '69 2000

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