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Re: Owning a Datsun Roadster (Long)

To: Andrew Murphy <>,
Subject: Re: Owning a Datsun Roadster (Long)
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:10:42 -0700

Huzzah, cheers and congratulations on your patient, reasoned reply. It is a  

Gary McCormick
San José, CA (which, unlike Timbuktu, IS in California!)

P.S. - I'm archiving your message

Andrew Murphy wrote:

> All,
> I had originally intended to join in the Flame against John Mikes and his
> attitude toward the list, but I as I was driving my car into work this
> morning, I thought better of it. I drive into work via Pacific Coast Hiway
> and I am always greated by the waves against the rocks and surfers in the
> water. Plus there is a blue Miata that I see all the time. The owner and I
> have a friendly rivalry going and we mix it up often. She was out there this
> morning and we had a good time weaving the traffic and chasing each other up
> the road. I took my turn off and she gave me a wave as she kept going.
> As I got to work, I thought about it and here is what I came to decide. Mr.
> Mikes, we LOVE our cars. We talk about every little detail with each other
> about them. The people in the know offer advice and help and even our
> vendors get on the list to help. We organize meets and runs and we have a
> great time doing it. We also pride ourselves on knowing about our cars. From
> 1963-1970, Nissan manufactured these cars and in that 8 year production run
> made countless changes. Some major (like engine and windshield size) and
> some minor (like side markers). We  talk about them all the time and I feel
> that many on this list are my friends. If my car ever crapped out, I know
> that I can count on my list buds to help me out.  When I go to Shasta next
> week, I know that Michael Carion and I will look for each other as we both
> have 67 2000 Solex cars. That may mean nothing to you, but it does to us and
> this list is where we got to know each other and our cars.
> So Mr. Mikes, when you say you are looking for "Any car", the reason you get
> the reaction you do is that these are not just "Any cars". They have meaning
> to us and we love them. Plus, in the entire time I have been on this list, I
> have never seen a flame war or name calling. We'd rather talk about the
> cars. Also, telling us that you will buy your car and unsubscribe from the
> list tells me that you have no interest in contributing to the list, only
> using it to get what you want. Speaking for myself only, it makes you
> unwelcome here.
> I have personally helped 3 people find cars in the last year. They said
> please, thank you, and are totally happy with the cars they bought. I don't
> know how it is on the PL510 list or the 240Z list, but on the roadster list
> we care about the cars. I will do nothing to change that and that means I
> will do nothing to help you.
> If you feel the need to flame me, please spare the list and send the email
> to my address.
> Andrew Murphy
> 67 2000 Solex
> 70 2000
> SoCalROC
> ________________________________________________________________________

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