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Strangled Solex's??

Subject: Strangled Solex's??
From: Daniel Neuman <>
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 1999 15:19:06 -0800 (PST)
HellO All,

Gots another query for the group.  All my roadster friends that come by to see
my 'new' engine. Take a look at the original solex aircleaner and say something
like,.."Boy thats restrictive.".. And you know it does look kinda restrictive..
But is it??? Does this really handicap the carbs??
        At shasta I saw a lot of poeple with what looked like dual K&N's 
on their solex's. I hardly saw a origianl style aircleaner.
        So whats the haps?? Should I look for a better flowing filter?? Or, 
are the carbs designed for this???  If I bought a super flowing filter would I 
have to rejet??  
        Has anybody bought Deans ITG superflowing filter with velocity stacks??
Is this an alt. worth  looking into??

                        Daniel 69 2000
                        SF CA

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