I spent this weekend in the garage again. With the colder weather and
**SNOW** yesterday the focus of my project has been definitely changed from
body work to mechanicals. (Mechanicals have been on hold since August, when
I found and purchased the body for the project). It's really good to get
back into the "GO FAST, VROOM, VROOM" part of the project.
Saturday morning was spent replacing the head gasket. Upon the
recommendation of many of you, I did GLUE the head gasket. Upon closer
examination of the rear oil hole, it appeared to have a great seal. The oil
return passage (on the rear drivers side) however did not. Hopefulling this
will fix the problem.
Note of interest: I found that cinching a plastic snap-ti around the upper
chain tensioner saves a little time when removing the head. Slip it between
the chain and the rubber face and tighten before removing the cam gear.
Saves the time and hasle of removing it and the chance of dropping a bolt or
spring down inside the front timing cover. When I got it back together, I
simply cut the tie.
I was hoping to try it out this weekend-despite the rain, BUT my rebuilt
carbs havent come yet. Hopefully next weeks progress will include a little
cruising-can't wait! (If history repeats itself, as it has MANY times, I'm
sure something will come up but it never hurts to be optimistic!)