-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Neuman <dneuman@stars.sfsu.edu>
> I was degunking my 5-speed transmission yesterday and this little
>plastic vent lookingn thing broke off from the top side of the
Hi Dan,
That's the tranny's vent. I don't know how critical it is, really...
you *do* need some way for air to get out as the trans heats up,
otherwise you'll be blowing oil out the seals, no fun. But can you
just leave an open hole? Chances are it'd be okay. However, without
the baffle effect of the vent cap, you might end up sending more oil
out that hole than you want to... I'd suggest maybe just gluing
(epoxy?) it back together.
FYI ramblings, YMMV, always consult with an attorney first.