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Question on emergency flasher switch...

Subject: Question on emergency flasher switch...
From: Ken Pearce <>
Date: Sun, 16 May 1999 12:04:52 -0500 (CDT)
(sorry if this message was sent more than once, had a problem sending an
attached picture so I've included the link instead)

My turn signals and flashers don't work on my '68-2000.  I've taken apart
and cleaned the emergency flasher switch and the turn signal switch, both
seem to be functioning now that I've cleaned them.  My tail lights and
brake lights do work.

The attached photo shows my flasher switch.  Does anyone know if the
"separated" wire in the photo (not going to the 6 pin plug) should be
connected to anything?  Mine was not...

Thanks in advance,

Ken Pearce '68-2000
Lawrence, KS   

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