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Re: defense mechanisms

To: "Mark G. van der Hoek" <>
Subject: Re: defense mechanisms
From: Eric Armstrong <>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 1999 21:20:11 -0800 (PST)
I just bought one.

Fortunately, my '66 1600 doesn't have a computer or a radio.  I do have
Pertronix electronic ignition, though.

It has a test mode that causes the built-in alarm to sound and the thing
arcs for about 10 seconds.  I demo'd this twice for my neighbor and 1) the
arcs of electricity stayed on the bar and didn't jump to the body or
anything and 2) the car started just fine.

It puts out 50,000 volts, extremely low amperage.

Makes an impressive light show when it's dark.

I've got a couple other security tricks installed in the car that will
hopefully discourage a thief enough to move on to the next nice car in the
area instead of steal mine.  But I got theft insurance just in case....

If any fellow Roadster owners want to see it, e-mail me and I'll tell you
where to find me.  Else maybe you'll see me at a local get-together.

'66 1600 "66 YES"

On Thu, 7 Jan 1999, Mark G. van der Hoek wrote:

> snyler wrote:
> > 
> > > A 2
> > >1\2 foot bar about 3 inches in diam. locks onto the wheel. you activate it
> > >with a remote like an alarm. If its disturbed a beeping goes off for 5
> > >seconds then whammoo arcs of electrical current around the bar and more
> > >concentrated on either end. talk about a suprised thief
> > 
> > And a surprised on-board computer;electronic ignition;stereo, etc. the
> > downside is, once it goes off, your car isn't worth stealing.
> > 
> Maybe.  Maybe not.  I can't imagine the manufacturer not
> testing for that, or selling the thing (for very long, at
> least) if it really did any damage to on board electronics. 
> (Can you say, "lawsuit"?)  I know that stuff is delicate,
> but there are lots of grounding opportunities for the bar's
> discharge.
> I'd like to see some data, myself. I've been seeing these
> advertised for about a year now. (I think?)  If they fry the
> on board electronics I can't see them still being around.
> Mark van der Hoek
> Hemet California

Eric Armstrong
phone: (510) 502-5984

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